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Apparatur för gasexpansion

Glass vessel with ground-glass sealing joints for demonstrating the expansion of air when heated. The U-tube is filled with water at room temperature and the water levels are marked. Even the heat from a hand is enough to cause the air in the flask to expand so that the water levels in the U-tube change […]

£89 Excluding VAT Delivery: 9-13 working days

Pneumatisk tändare

Device for demonstrating the ignition of diesel. By swiftly pressing down the piston, the compressed air in the transparent tube is heated so strongly that a piece of paper placed at the bottom of the tube very clearly ignites. Similarly, a cotton-wool pad soaked in ether also catches fire. Length of compression tube: approx. 150 […]

£109 Excluding VAT Delivery: 9-13 working days

Jollys glödlampa och mätare

Palm-sized, hollow metallic ball with a manometer connected to it for demonstrating change of pressure in a closed volume of air when heated or cooled. Immersing the ball in a water bath at a specific temperature allows the relationship between pressure and temperature of the enclosed air to be investigated in order to demonstrate the […]

£259 Excluding VAT Delivery: 9-13 working days

Kritisk Punktapparat

En högprecisionsapparat för studier i kompression och kondensering av gas som bestämmer den kritiska punkten och spelar in isotermer i pV-diagram (Clapeyron). Testgasen är svavelhexafluorid (SF6) som har en kritisk temperatur på 318,6 K (45,5 °C) och ett kritiskt tryck på 3,76 MPa (37,6 bar), vilket möjliggör för en enkel uppställning av experimentet. Anordningen inkluderar […]

£6 699 Excluding VAT Delivery: 9-13 working days


The Boyle-Mariotte device is used to investigate the relationship between volume and pressure of a sealed volume of air at a constant temperature. It confirms the law of Boyle-Mariotte.    Product information: The device consists of a closed plexiglass cylinder with a sliding piston that determines the enclosed volume, a scale for volume determination and […]

£589 Excluding VAT Delivery: 9-13 working days